Today is the start of victory for the cooperatives who have come together, kept together, and worked together!!!
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Monday, March 25, 2013

A STRONGER Ating-Koop Party List for a STRONGER Cooperative Movement - Program and Political Agenda

Ating-Koop's political agenda can be summed up into making the cooperative sector STRONGER. STRONGER is an acronym that stands for S - Sponsoring pro-Coop bills, T - Tax exemption of cooperatives, R - Regionalize training centers, O - Oppose political control, N - Network with other agencies, G - Grassroots consultation, E - Environmental protection, and R - Respect for human life.

Ating-Koop is envisioned to build and develop a mass-based and program-oriented Party that shall advance pro-people and pro-cooperative issues and legislative agenda, participate in national and local elections to support pro-cooperative causes and candidates;

Ating-Koop aims to continuously struggle for electoral reforms to eliminate fraud and other schemes that subvert the people's will; Actively participate in deliberations at all levels of the legislative processes to ensure the passage of laws that are in line with the Party's programs and attuned to the needs of the people;

Ating-Koop primarily advocates pro-cooperative issues in Congress, provincial and city councils, municipal and barangay councils and other legislative or law-making bodies, institutionalize and make mandatory the appointment of qualified and competent cooperative officers in local government units; institute protective measures for cooperative against interests that hinder its growth and development;

Ating-Koop is set to harness government and private resources to establish a system of training and education for members, managers, chairpersons, board members, and all cooperators to inculcate cooperative principles and values, laws, and regulations on cooperatives, and other best practices of the cooperative movement.

Ating-Koop further advocates for the establishment of an "Institute for Cooperative Education" in State Colleges and Universities in coordination with cooperative federations and unions; work with government and educational institutions in launching a massive tri-media campaign to promote cooperative education among the citizenry;

Ating-Koop intends to pass laws that shall strengthen cooperative federations and unions by streamlining their functions, avoiding duplication of work and cover the broadest areas possible; Advance legislation that shall institute more fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for cooperatives including, but not limited to, tax exemptions and holidays and oppose any efforts that impose unjust and undue taxation measures on cooperatives;

Ating-Koop aims to align government infrastructure programs with the developmental needs of cooperatives, such as farm-to-market roads, post-harvest facilities and other basic needs of cooperatives; Harness national and local governments and agencies to strengthen linkages with and among public market coops with agricultural and consumer coops, build collection points and institute other measures that shall rationalize coop marketing and distribution of network; Furthermore, it will harness government-cooperative cooperation to strengthen housing, transport and youth cooperatives;

Lastly, Ating-Koop will pursue to establish the "Department of Cooperatives" to harmonize all government and private sector efforts towards enhancing the cooperative movement. Establish the office of "National Cooperative Relations Commission", a quasi-judicial agency with exclusive and primary jurisdiction to settle and mediate disputes between and among cooperatives and its members. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The 4th National Convention of Ating-Koop Party List

March 2, 2013 marked another red-letter day for Adhikaing Tinataguyod ng Kooperatiba (Ating-Koop) Party List as it held its 4th National Convention at the function hall of Barangka Credit Cooperative in Barangka, Marikina City. The convention brought forth unity and camaraderie among its leaders and members, showing what true cooperation is all about. The theme for this year's convention is "New Challenges, New Victories".

The convention started with a Eucharistic Mass to thank the Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed upon the party and for His guidance as it traversed through a rough road that ultimately led to success. It was presided by Father Serafin "Perry" Peralta, who also happens to be the Chairman of the Board of the Metro South Cooperative Bank.

Solidarity messages were given by representatives from each region, all hailing from different cooperatives in the entire nation, showing unity and pledges of support and loyalty to the party. There was a total of 239 delegates enough to call a quorum. Hearing the messages of fellow cooperators is overwhelming yet very heartwarming and boosts one's strength and confidence to never give up on this fight for what is right and most of all, for the cooperative movement, that despite the odds, there are still a multitude of people who believes in the advocacies of the party and never ceased to give their support to the cause and the movement. 

Some of the attendees/delegations with their respective leaders:
  1. Mindanao delegates as headed Mr. Lancelot Allan Padla, Vice President for Mindanao and the 3rd nominee of Ating-Koop Party List. 
  2. Visayas delegates. Mr. Jose Torres Jr., the Vice President for Visayas and 4th nominee was acknowledged though he did not make it to the convention. The Visayas delegates were then headed by Judge Andres Garalza on behalf of Mr. Torres. 
  3. Luzon - BICUL / Region 5 delegates as headed by Engr. Rey Dennis Gilbas, Chairman of Committee on Membership. 
  4. Luzon – SLRL / QFUC Region IV delegates as headed by Mr. Mario Supsupin and the league manager, Ms. Victoria Villanueva.
  5. Luzon – CLRL / Region III delegates as headed by Mr. Jun Pineda, Chairman of Committee on Political Affairs and Mr. Aurelio Jose, Vice President for Luzon
  6. Luzon – NELCCO / Region II delegates as headed by Mr. Johnny Rosini, AK Regional President. 
  7. Luzon – NORWESLU / Region I delegates as headed by Mr. Oscar Adversalo, AK Regional President and Chairman of the Philippine Federation of Credit Cooperatives (PFCCO).
  8. Luzon – NCRL delegates coming from Quezon City, Marikina, Manila, Pasig, Rizal, etc. as headed by Ms. Anabella Soriano - AK Regional Chairperson, Mr. Emeraldo Hernandez – AK Vice-Chairperson, and Dra. Elizabeth Dumapig. 

        The presence of Administrator Nelon Alindogan of the Cooperative Development Authority as well as the Chairman of the Philippine Federation of Cooperatives, Mr. Oscar Adversalo also graced the convention. 

            Mr. Adversalo pointed out the importance of PFCCO giving its support to the party being its parent organization and calls for unity within the party once and for all.

For the party, it does not matter which part of the country you are from, whether you hail from the lands of Luzon, Visayas, or Mindanao. These people have different backgrounds, ways of life, and ideals and values in life, but they are brought together by one strong unifying force, and that is the spirit of cooperativism. 

Everyone is aware of the challenges that the campaign for the May 13, 2013 National and Local Elections will bring to the party but with dedication, hard work, unity, faith, strength, and cooperation, nothing can stop Ating-Koop Party List to stand tall against whatever adversaries they shall be facing during this period. 

One of the highlights of the convention is the Ratification of the Nominees and the signing of the Covenant of Commitment of the six nominees where each of them read and signed what are expected of them as the future representatives of the cooperative sector in the country. It was followed by Status Reports made by Atty. Pete "Bitay" Principe and the Auditor's Report which was made by the Treasurer, Ms. Erlinda Duque.

Surely, all the cooperators who attended the convention felt the spirit cooperativism on that afternoon. And as long as everyone remains united, Adhikaing Tinataguyod ng Kooperatiba shall beat all the odds and show everyone the power of the cooperative movement.

The BCC Dancers grooved to the rhythm of the Ating-Koop Party List campaign jingle.

For Everyone's Information and Guidance

The Ating Koop Party List have refrained from giving comments or statements, sub judice, on an issue pending before the courts so as to not be guilty of contempt. However, it has come to the party’s attention that the decision of the COMELEC and the Supreme Court has caused confusion within the party; thus, it has become essential to clarify a few things on the said matter.

The Temporary Restraining Order, is, by its very nature temporary, and was issued to give all parties a fair chance to air their side. This TRO is not a decision on the merits of the case and neither does this mean that the Ating Koop Party List, must be in a state of paralysis and disabled from performing its duties and tasks and cause confusion in the group.

To reiterate, nowhere in the Supreme Court or COMELEC decision is there a prohibition on campaigning even if the resolution of the case is pending. The TRO only preserves the status quo as the case is being litigated. Those who prevent the party from exercising its political right is either unaware of the law or simply has an insatiable thirst for power who would not allow the rightful people to truly represent the cooperative sector.