Today is the start of victory for the cooperatives who have come together, kept together, and worked together!!!
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Friday, February 1, 2013

An Introduction to Cooperatives and its Principles

What is a Cooperative?

A Cooperative is a democratic and autonomous association or organization of people that are united and brought together on a voluntary basis by their common social, cultural, economic needs, and aspirations through a democratically-controlled and jointly-owned enterprise. 

Cooperative Principles

These principles serve as a guide and standard cooperatives adhere to, not just in the Philippines but all over the world.

1.       Voluntary and Open Membership
Membership to cooperatives is open to everybody who wishes to be part of the group without prejudice to anyone’s gender, race, social, political, and religious orientation.

2.       Democratic Member Control
As democratic organizations, members own and control the cooperatives and the principle “One Member, One Vote” applies. Everything is organized in a democratic manner.

3.       Member Economic Participation
Members are expected to contribute equitably to, and democratically control the cooperative’s capital and receive limited compensation for voluntary work done as a condition of membership.

4.       Autonomy and Independence
Being self-help and independent organizations, cooperative only enter into arrangements and/or agreements with the government and other organizations provided that the terms will ensure that democratic control will be maintained.

5.       Education, Training, and Information
Members, employees, and officers are sent to different training programs that will further enhance and sharpen their skills and knowledge in effectively running the cooperative for its continuous growth and development.

6.       Cooperation among Cooperatives
Sharing the same cause and advocacies, cooperatives work together and help each other to strengthen the cooperative movement on both national and international levels.

7.       Concern for Community
Communities play an integral role in the existence of cooperatives. That is the reason why cooperatives support programs and activities that will results to a sustainable development among its communities.

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